The G-spot is the most sensitive erogenous zone in women. When it is found, it is the source of powerful sexual orgasms. How to know this very sensitive area?
The different steps to find your own G-spot
To find your erogenous zone or G-spot, you must, first, put yourself in good condition; choose a quiet place nice enough not to be disturbed. Then you have to sit or kneel comfortably. With these two fingers, the search for the G-spot can begin. By placing the fingers upwards and scraping the upper part of the vagina, a granular part can easily be found. You have to make strong movements by tapping it until you feel a part that swells up a lot. This part is called the G-spot.
Gentle stroking does not help to find this erogenous zone. It is important that the caress is very strong and lively. Good pressure will do the trick. For more indications that you are in the right place, you may notice that tapping the G-spot makes you want to urinate. Therefore, to be on the safe side, you should go to the bathroom when you are not used to it.
What should be done when the partner needs to find the G-spot?
To find your partner's G-spot, don't procrastinate. You just have to apply the same method to find your sensitive part. Nevertheless, women should guide their partners by indicating if the movement hurts or not and if it is too soft. The G-spot can also be found during penetration.
However, to facilitate the touching, the woman must remain lying on her stomach with her pelvis slightly raised. The man then penetrates her vaginally from behind. This position is favorable to easily finding the G-spot. In addition, men with the curved penis have an easier time finding this erogenous zone. It is important to mention that communication between the two partners is important to help the man find the sensitive area.